My Pursuit Podcast
With humor and authenticity Mike walks through the topics that any Christian faces while living our their faith in the real world. This is an Experimental Weekly Devotional Podcast. Mike is your Guinea Pig in applying scripture directly to life. If you are a forward thinking, out of the box Christian who is looking for a way to make following Jesus your Pursuit, this is the Podcast for you.
48 episodes
Soulfood Episode 7 - Repentance
How can Repentance become food for our Soul?
Season 4
Episode 7

Soulfood Episode 6 Forgiveness
Let's see how Forgiveness can become food for our Soul
Season 4
Episode 6

Soulfood Episode 4
This week we look at the Soulfood of "Hearing God's Voice."
Season 4
Episode 4

Soulfood Episode 2
This is the second episode of the new Season. Check it out!
Season 4
Episode 2

Spark of Life - Episode 4
Jesus tells us not to Murder. No big deal. But then He tells us that if we are angry, we are subject to the same judgment.
Season 3
Episode 4

Spark of Life - Episode 3
What is the Law. How does Jesus fulfill it?
Season 3
Episode 3

Spark of Life - Episode 2
What does Jesus mean when He call us the LIGHT OF THE WORLD?
Season 3
Episode 1

Spark of Life - Episode 1
Let's start our journey through the Sermon on the Mount together!
Season 3
Episode 1

Bonus Episode: Star Wars - the Last Jedi Review
This is my silly review of the Star Wars the Last Jedi.
Season 3
Episode 1

Spark of Life - A New Intro
This is the Introduction to our new Season and Series. Check out this episode to find out what this podcast is all about.
Season 3
Episode 1

Episode 32 - Wisdom?
Paul prays in Ephesians Chapter 1 for us to have Spiritual Wisdom. What is that and what does it lead to?

Episode 31 - Sometimes I Don't Get it...
Sometimes as I read scripture, I just don't get it. I don't see why I should know it, learn it, believe it or do it.

Episode 30 - Intoxicated Away From Depth
Do you ever notice how shallow our world has become? Shallow communication on social media abounds. Political conversations are all reactionary and bereft of any actual thoughtful solutions. Conversations about life turn into little more than tryi...

Episode 29 - Christian Houses?
Back to Colossians 3 for Paul's instructions for Christian Households. What does that mean?

Episode 28 - What Worries Me and What Challenges Me
This week, I have the desire to share with you what worries me and what challenges me.

Episode 27 - Change Your Mind
Can you change what you think and how you feel? Paul seems to think so. Check it out.

Episode 26 - A New Philosophy
Colossians 2. Well-crafted arguments and empty philosophies are coming to get us. How can we avoid these? What difference can we make when the world seems full of empty philosophies?

Episode 25 - Out of My Mind
Weeeeeeeeee're back! Check out our new season, our new series and our new way to grow!

Episode 24 - Camels and Needles
Why does Jesus say that it's harder for a rich person to inherit eternal life than for a Camel to go through the eye of a Needle? What can this mean to us?

Episode 21 - Lost World
When Jesus tells us to look for the Lost, what is our responsibility? Where do we find them? What do we do?

Episode 20 - Delight?
It's a weird word... What do you Delight in? How can you follow God while you do what you actually LOVE?